Payment methods

Due to the hostility that Paypal and Card processors have against our perfectly legal products. We are unable to accept either at this point in time. This is something we know is frustrating not only for our customers but for us. I guess they just really hate mushrooms?

Currently accepted payment methods

Bank transfer

Very quick and easy, simply place your order as you would normally selecting your payment method as bank transfer. 
On the following confirmation screen, the account details to send the value of your order will be displayed; it’s important to put your order number as the reference. 

Within 24 hours you will receive an email titled ‘Order received’ this means we have confirmed your payment and your order will be dispatched shortly there-after.

Cash In Post

This is pretty self explanatory; place your order with ‘Cash’ as your payment method. Send your order value in GBP to the provided details (Please use signed for!) 

Once your payment has been received you’ll get an order notification and your order will be dispatched soon after.


Bitcoin can be a little scary, but these days it’s no more complicated than using a card. 

Coinbase makes the process incredibly simple. Think about it like this; Bitcoin is like Euros, so you have an account to keep them in known as a ‘Wallet’. Bitcoin addresses are like bank accounts that you send bitcoin to pay for things.

  1. Sign up to Coinbase (creates a wallet)
  2. Purchase Bitcoin on Coinbase (adds them to your wallet)
  3. You can then make payments directly from your Coinbase account

Final notes

I can understand the above payments options are a pain, but I am constantly working on and finding ways to make it easier for everyone. Unfortunately, whilst we sell completely legal products there is a really big hostility and stigma. Our payment accounts with Paypal get closed and they refuse to respond. Card processors deem us ‘High risk’ so refuse to operate with us.

We can only hope that the future common sense prevails and stigma starts to dissolve we can open up more payment options.

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